Futterman Memorial Lecture in Vision Science
Sidney Futterman Memorial Lecture in Vision Science
The Futterman Lecture was named in honor of Dr. Sidney Futterman, a distinguished vision researcher who served as a faculty member at the University of Washington from 1966-1979. Dr. Futterman was the recipient of the prestigious Friedenwald Award from the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) for his exceptional contribution to visual science. Dr. Futterman’s studies on visual pigments and the esterification of vitamin A in the retina have been widely referenced in the field of vision research for over 50 years.
Futterman Memorial lectures
October 31, 2019 Gabriel H. Travis Light Driven Regeneration of Cone Photopgiments
May 23, 2019 Steven Fliesler Retinal Cholesterol and Oxysterol: friend or foe?
January 4, 2018 Ted Wenzel Nanoscale imaging of rods and retinal ciliopathies
November 4, 2016 David Berson, PhD Seeing where we’re going: retinal direction selectivity encodes self-motion
November 14, 2014 Rick Kramer Restoring visual function to blind mice with ion-channel photoswitch
October 25, 2013 Tom Hughes Fluorescent proteins and biosensors in one and two photon microscopy
October 11, 2012 Gerald Jacobs Unraveling Mammalian Color Vision
May 23, 2011 William Hauswirth Gene therapy clinical trial for LCA2, a form of childhood blindness
May 28, 2009 Russell Fernald Eye Evolution: Not so puzzling anymore.
May 22, 2008 Kang Zhang Molecular genetics of macular degeneration: From human disease to mouse models and back.
May 24, 2007 Joshua Dunaief Iron-induced oxidative damage as a potential culprit in retinal disease.
May 26, 2006 Robert Marc Retinal remodeling.
May 26, 2005 Douglas Vollrath Disease mechanisms in neurodegenerative blindness.
May 27, 2004 John Flannery Gene Therapy for Usher Syndrome, a major cause of combined blindness and deafness.
May 22, 2003 Joe Hollyfield Drusen: What are they, where do they come from, and what do they have to dosage-related macular degeneration (AMD)?
May 23, 2002 John Crabb Proteomic approaches to the etiopathology of age-related macular degeneration.
May 24, 2001 Joseph Horwitz The function and structure of the small heat-shock protein a-crystallin.
May 25, 2000 Thaddeus Dryja The role of retinoid metabolism in hereditary photoreceptor disease.
May 20, 1999 Eric Newman Glial cell modulation of neuronal activity: Calcium waves in the retina.
April 23, 1998 Joseph Besharse The circadian clock in the eye.
May 22, 1997 Robert Molday Molecular biology of retinal photoreceptor membrane proteins: Structural properties, interactions, and role in retinitis pigmentosa.
May 30, 1996 Steven Fisher Retinal detachment: Simple event, complex consequences.
April 27, 1995 Heidi Hamm Structure of the transducin alpha subunit and its role in visual transduction.
May 19, 1994 David Papermaster Animal models of retinal degeneration.
June 3, 1993 Alan Bird Retinal dystrophies with known genetic mutations.
June 5, 1992 Carl Kupfer From Seattle to Washington: A quarter century of vision research.
May 17, 1990 John Dowling Dopamine: A retinal neuromodulator.
May 16, 1987 Morton Goldberg The management of hyphema.
October 30, 1986 Joram Piatigorsky Regulation of crystallin gene expression in the lens.
September 20, 1984 Dean Bok Retinoid-binding proteins: Their emerging role in the transport of vitamin A from blood to the retina.
May 26, 1983 Matthew LaVail Analysis of neurological mutants with inherited retinal disease.
May 15, 1982 Arnall Patz Retinal neovascularization: Clinical and experimental observations.